Prioritizing Yourself During the Season of Giving
Anya Ahuja, MHC
Regardless of whatever holiday you may or may not celebrate, this time of year can be challenging for all of us. Between time with family, friends, and loved (or not so loved!) ones, end-of-the-year obligations, and shorter amounts of sunlight – the holiday season can feel overwhelming and emotional. Here are some tools to help you cope ahead during this time:
Find Outlets:
Whether it is journaling, a walk around the block, or calling a friend, identify and plan to utilize your resources that feel safe and restorative.
Allow yourself to take a moment and trust there is a safe outlet for whatever emotions arise.
Boundaries: Internal and External
Internal boundaries are boundaries within yourself to regulate thoughts, emotions, and behaviors as you manage your internal world.
External boundaries are the limits you set in your interactions with others.
Both internal and external boundaries are challenging and rewarding.
Examples of internal boundaries include: asking your inner critic to step aside, recognizing and honoring when you need to rest, and choosing to practice self-compassion.
Examples of external boundaries include: saying "no" to a holiday party or event, setting limits on the time you will spend with your family or on social media, and refusing to engage in conversations that you do not want to (such as political arguments or commentary on others' bodies!)
Some Mantras For You:
Say it with me!
I deserve rest and joy.
I am not responsible for everyone's happiness.
It is okay to say no.
I can be both grateful and overwhelmed.
Progress is more important than perfection.
I wish you all a season of joy, grace, and gratitude. If you are interested in learning more about how you can begin your therapy journey towards setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and cultivating a more peaceful day-to-day life, I would love to be a part of your journey. Reach out here to book your free, 15-minute consultation.