“The Personal is Political”

What is intersectional feminist therapy?

Intersectional-feminist therapy is an approach that views every client in context of the society, culture, and political climate they live in. Feminist therapists utilize a range of techniques in session which may include: self-disclosure, education/consciousness-raising, power analysis, reframing, and social action. 

When working with a feminist therapist, you may feel like you know more about them than other therapists. Feminist therapy believes in an egalitarian relationship between therapist and client. Feminist therapists often disclose parts of their life to clients as a way to validate and normalize certain experiences. 

When working with a feminist therapist, you may feel like you are learning more about the socio-political systems around you. You may have discussions with your therapist about how your culture and the political climate is affecting you. You may feel like you are gaining more knowledge of yourself as well as the world around you.

When working with a feminist therapist, you may be examining and analyzing a variety of topics and how they relate to you. Some examples of possible topics include: gender roles, power and privilege, identity development, and more. 

When working with a feminist therapist, you may feel like your feelings and behaviors are seen in a greater socio-political context. Feminist therapists typically move away from pathologizing feelings and try to highlight and explore them in context. 

Lastly, when working with a feminist therapist, you may be invited to participate in social activism. Although, this is dependent on how the client feels about it and if it is appropriate, it can be highly beneficial in empowering yourself and building a community of like-minded individuals.

If this sounds interesting to you, consider working with a intersectional-feminist therapist! If that is not possible but you’d still like to learn more about self-growth and healing within a socio-political context, consider my recommended reading list:

All About Love - Bell Hooks
Feminism is for Everybody - Bell Hooks
The Body Is Not an Apology - Sonya Renee Taylor

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