The True Benefits of True Crime

Jen Iben

True crime and horror movie viewership has been on the rise in recent years, particularly since the COVID-19 lockdown. You may be a lover of all things horror and crime and watch this as a form of entertainment or self-care. Or you may be genuinely confused that some people find these genres relaxing. Whatever side you’re on, there may actually be some benefits to watching thrilling content.

A common psychological trait called Morbid Curiosity is often what is driving viewership of this genre. It’s safe to say the research on this leaves a lot to be desired, but I suspect that will change in the coming years. 

Morbid curiosity is essentially defined as the motivation to seek out dangerous or horrific phenomena. What’s interesting about this trait is it seems to be highly prevalent in people who experience general anxiety. 

So, what's the benefit of watching horror/crime?

One benefit watching this genre can produce is quieting ruminating thoughts that people with anxiety experience. Because of the ability this genre has in producing physiological responses, you are consumed with the story so much that it has the capability to quiet your own mind and worries. This is why for some people, watching true crime and horror is a form of self-care. Because, hey, distraction can be great in moderation.

Another reason why this is an enjoyable experience for some is the potential to experience risky situations in a comfortable and safe environment. Watching scary scenarios puts your body into fight or flight mode as your body can’t fully identify whether or not you're actually in those situations. For some people, this can be exciting to experience while knowing you’re not actually in danger. This benefit also applies to people who experience anxiety as this genre allows individuals to gather as much information they can about a possibly threatening situation, but in a safe environment. 

All of this to say, if you’re a person that feels discomfort seeing crime/horror, then it will probably not produce these beneficial effects. This is especially true if the content of the entertainment is something that has potential to trigger you. It is important to know your own comfort level when it comes to this genre.

But, if you’re someone who experiences morbid curiosity and uses true crime and horror as a way to unwind, you’re certainly not alone. 

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