Psychotherapy Practice - Intuitive Healing | NYC

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Finding Wellness by Embracing the Creative Process of Daily Living

Kailey Thompson, MHC-LP

Daily living is a creative process.

When we are able to be and remain connected to our authentic selves and remain fully present in each moment, we unlock a sense of vitality and creativity that enriches our lives. We can be playful, spontaneous, and imaginative in seeing options and possibilities.

Healthy children remind us of this state of creative vitality. Their playful, experimental, and imaginative engagement with the world and the people around them reminds us of what it means to live creatively. They approach life with curiosity and wonder, unburdened by the constraints that often weigh us down as adults.

When the authentic connection to our creative self is lost or blocked for any number of reasons, we’re unable to fully engage with our creative self.

Factors that can block our connection to our creative selves include:

  • Fear of judgment or failure: Worrying about what others think can stifle our willingness to take risks and express ourselves freely.

  • Anger: Lingering anger can consume our mental energy, leaving little room for creativity.

  • Trauma or past difficulties: Painful experiences from our past can create emotional blocks that inhibit our creative flow.

  • Substance use: Dependence on substances can dull our senses and disconnect us from ourselves.

  • Physical or emotional pain: Chronic pain, whether physical or emotional, can be overwhelming and limit our ability to engage creatively with life.

When we are blocked, we miss out on the many wellness benefits of creativity, including emotional expression and release, out-of-the-box thinking and problem-solving, increased self-reflection, mindfulness, and self-awareness, reduced stress, and improved cognitive function — through the promotion of neural connections and cognitive flexibility, which leads to enhanced memory, concentration, and overall brain function.

Reconnecting with Your Authentic Self

A therapist can help uncover and address whatever is making it difficult to connect with your authentic self and reignite your creative spirit. By exploring and overcoming the factors that hinder your creative expression, you can begin to live more fully and creatively.

This therapeutic journey can involve:

  1. Self-discovery: Understanding the root causes of the disconnection from your creative self.

  2. Healing: Working through past traumas and emotional blocks.

  3. Reconnecting: Re-establishing a connection with your authentic self.

  4. Creative expression: Encouraging playful, spontaneous, and imaginative engagement with life.

Living creatively doesn't always mean becoming an artist or a musician (though it can). It means approaching life with an open mind, a sense of wonder, and the willingness to see and create possibilities (the opposite of stuckness!). It means being present, authentic and engaged with the world around you.

Living creatively is not just about engaging in art but also about approaching life with an open and imaginative mindset. This approach can transform everyday experiences into opportunities for growth, joy, and wellness.

By reconnecting with our authentic selves and overcoming the barriers that block our creativity, we can experience life more fully and richly. Therapy can be a powerful tool in this journey, helping you to rediscover and embrace the creative process of daily living.

Kailey Thompson, MHC-LP is a psychotherapist who specializes in working with creative professionals, artists, and entrepreneurs as they navigate uncertainty, creative blocks, pressure to succeed, comparison, and more. Learn more and book a free 15-minute consultation with her here.